
Posts Tagged ‘Zhou Xiaochuan’

China Central Bank: New IMF Leadership Should Reflect New World Order

May 19, 2011 Comments off


There’s a funny thing about the New World Order: it eventually gets too big and bites the hand the feeds it. Enter the PBoC: “The new IMF leadership needs to reflect changes in the world economic order and be more representative of emerging market economies, Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said Thursday in his first public comments since the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. “The senior management team of the IMF should better reflect changes in world economic patterns and should be more representative of emerging market economies.” Translation – no more European of American cronies. It is also probably safe to say that Lagarde’s odds of pulling the white smoke out of the conclave bag have just plunged. It is also safe to say that with China now unofficially Europe’s backstopper (and there were those wondering why China is buying all those Spanish and Portuguese bonds), what China wants, China gets.

From Market News:

 Zhou also said he regretted Strauss-Kahn’s decision to resign as the Managing Director of IMF.

“The current world economy is recovering slowly from the financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis is at a key stage. A powerful IMF support is needed to overcome current difficulties facing Europe and ensure world economic developments are on a robust, sustainable and balanced track,” Zhou added.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated earlier today that the next head of the International Monetary Fund should be a European again.

And so the stage is set for the next big geopolitical theater: Germany vs China over the largely symbolic issue of who gets to scare the Sofitel maids next.

PBOC’s Zhou Urges Cutting China’s $3 Trillion of Foreign-Exchange Reserves

April 19, 2011 1 comment


PBoC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

China needs to reduce its foreign- exchange reserves as they exceed the level the nation requires, central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said.

The management and diversification of the holdings, which topped $3 trillion at the end of March, should be improved, Zhou said after a speech at Tsinghua University in Beijing late yesterday. The rapid accumulation is putting pressure on the sterilization operations of the People’s Bank of China, he said.

The nation’s foreign-exchange reserves climbed $197 billion in the first quarter, reflecting global imbalances that Group of 20 finance ministers agreed last week to address through deeper scrutiny of their economic policies. China’s surging holdings are fueling inflation that accelerated last month to the highest in 32 months, prompting the government to boost banks’ reserve requirements this week for the fourth time this year.

“Foreign-exchange reserves have exceeded the reasonable levels that we actually need,” Zhou said. “The rapid increase in reserves may have led to excessive liquidity and has exerted significant sterilization pressure. If the government doesn’t strike the right balance with its policies, the build-up could cause big risks,” he said, without elaborating.

The world’s second-biggest economy grew 9.7 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, faster than economists had forecast, and consumer prices climbed Read more…