
Archive for March, 2013

Giant Sinkholes: Will Your House Be Swallowed Next?

March 9, 2013 1 comment

A devastating sinkhole occurred in Florida on February 28, 2013, raising questions and concerns about this incredible phenomenon. Around 20% of the U.S. lies in areas susceptible to sinkhole events, highlighting the need for research and to be informed about this hazard.

What is a Sinkhole?

Geologically, a sinkhole is a depression in the ground that has no natural external surface drainage. Basically this means that when it rains, all of the water stays inside the sinkhole and typically drains into the subsurface.

Sinkholes are most Read more…

Categories: Strange Events Tags: ,

Pentagon: F-35 won’t have a chance in real combat

March 9, 2013 Comments off

Three F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (Reuters/Lockheed Martin/Darin Russell)

Fatal flaws within the cockpit of the US military’s most expensive fighter jet ever are causing further problems with the Pentagon’s dubious F-35 program.

Just weeks after a fleet of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighters was grounded for reasons unrelated, a new report from the Pentagon warns that any pilot that boards the pricey aircraft places himself in danger without even going into combat.

In a leaked memo from the Defense Department’s director of the Operational Test and Evaluation Directorate to the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon official prefaces a report on the F-35 by cautioning that even training missions cannot be safely performed on board the aircraft at this time.

“The training management system lags in development compared to the rest of the Integrated Training Center and does not yet have all planned functionality,” the report reads in part.

In other sections of the lengthy DoD analysis, Operational Test and Read more…

Categories: military Tags: , , ,

History Channel’s Miniseries: Misadventures in Sodom and The Pop Culture Sacrifice

March 8, 2013 Comments off

When History channel series The Bible by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett first aired last Sunday, my hope was that this series would spark intense interest in the actual Bible. Regardless of any philosophical viewpoint, this miniseries presents a great opportunity for Christians and church leaders to educate people about scripture – whether it be to correct errors or to expand upon truths. If you find anything wrong (and I found some major things wrong), the primary tone should be education, not condemnation, because we desire for people to understand scripture and come closer to Christ.

Honestly, I did not realize how much I actually liked the Sodom passage in the Bible, but I appreciate it on account of its parallel to Judges 19 and 20. While the introduction with Noah telling the history of creation was brilliant, the first episode disappointed me in its refusal to seriously discuss scripture. This is where Christians and church leaders need to step up and discuss the scripture openly.

The introduction scene to the city of Sodom features numerous pairs of heterosexual kissing. It is actually pretty tame and mild – dare I say prudish? – by today’s standards. It basically seems to be Read more…

Categories: bible Tags:


March 8, 2013 Comments off



Letter jackets, line names, party lines, step shows, and popularity. These are the most coveted vanities that college students long for during their undergraduate tenure. I was certainly one who wanted such a lifestyle. Last year around September I saw a DVD series by Elder G. Craig Lewis called the Truth Behind Hip Hop which breaks down the true agenda of Hip Hop and R&B music through the word of God. During the series he began to talk about how my personal walk with God was being contaminated and jeopardized by wanting to associate myself with Greek life. How you ask? Well, let’s see what the word of God says about this.

Present Day Idolatry Right under Our Nose

In Exodus 20:3-5 God says, “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself any idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship Read more…

Google: FBI watching you on internet

March 8, 2013 Comments off

(Google says the FBI is monitoring…)

WASHINGTON: Google says the FBI is monitoring the Web for potential terrorist activity. But it can’t say how extensive the surveillance is.

As part of the Google Transparency Report, the Internet giant this week released data on so-called National Security Letters — official requests for data under the Patriot Act passed after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

But Google said it was only allowed to provide broad ranges of numbers: in the years from 2009 to 2012, for example, it received between zero and 999 requests. The requests affected between 1,000 and 1,999 accounts, except in 2010 when the range was 2,000 to 2,999 accounts, Google said.

“You’ll notice that we’re reporting numerical ranges rather than exact numbers. This is to address concerns raised Read more…

Governments falling short in drought fight: UN

March 7, 2013 Comments off

Animal footprints are visible in dry and cracked mud on the bank of the half-full Bewl water reservoir in Kent on April 5, 2012. Governments worldwide are failing to do enough to tackle drought, which lacks the headline-making punch of a hurricane but can have an equally devastating human and economic impact, the UN weather agency warn.

Governments worldwide are failing to do enough to tackle drought, which lacks the headline-making punch of a hurricane but can have an equally devastating human and economic impact, the UN weather agency warned Thursday.

“A flood or hurricane is over within hours or days. A drought can last weeks, months, a season, a year. But droughts can cause as many deaths over time as any other natural disaster,” said Robert Stefanski, head of World Meteorological Organisation?s (WMO) agriculture division.

Droughts in recent years have struck regions ranging from the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, China, India, Mexico and Brazil to the United States, Russia and southeastern Europe.

Droughts are estimated to affect tens of millions of people and cause tens of billions of dollars in economic losses every year.

They are expected to increase in frequency, area and intensity due to climate change, yet Read more…

Israel warns citizens of threat of ‘global jihad’ and Iranian-sponsored attacks

March 7, 2013 Comments off

On March 6, the Counterterrorism Bureau at Israel’s National Security Council issued its semiannual travel warning report. Travel warnings, which the bureau emphasized were only “recommendations,” of varying degrees are currently in place for Israelis in 27 countries, including Thailand, Nigeria, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

The warnings, according to the report, are “based on solid and reliable information, which reflects a real threat, based upon intelligence assessments.” The report from the bureau noted that Hezbollah blames Israel for the death of Imad Mughniyah in 2008, while Iran blames Israel for the deaths of a number of its nuclear scientists. According to the bureau, Iran and Hezbollah are still looking to exact revenge and are likely to do so by targeting Israelis abroad via suicide attacks or kidnappings.

According to a source in the bureau, Israel is “identifying a systematic campaign operating with the greatest vigor…. They [Hezbollah and Iran] are fully coordinated. It is one axis.” The source also revealed, according to the Jerusalem Post, tha Read more…

Categories: Bible Prophecy, Israel Tags: ,

Hunt for illegal immigrants wants your fingerprint

March 7, 2013 Comments off


A U.S. Border Patrol vehicle sits parked in front of a crowd of people peering through the U.S.-Mexico border fence at Border Field State Park in San Diego in 2009. At one time, before the enhanced border fence in the area, the San Diego area held the most popular routes for illegal immigrants heading into the United States. (Photo by Denis Poroy / Associated Press file)

Because others have broken the law, the federal government may soon make you prove that you are not a criminal.

Call it logic, Washington-style.

Legislators in the Senate, working to get a handle on illegal immigration, have been talking about requiring each and every person in the land to have an identification card, implanted with a fingerprint or some other biometric detail, in order to get a job. In other words, we would all be guilty until we could prove our innocence, would all be illegals until we could prove our citizenship.

The problem: undocumented workers. Washington’s solution: give the citizens documents.

This plan, being developed by senators working on an immigration fix, badly misreads the mood of the citizenry. The people – liberals and conservatives alike – do not trust the government to do the right thing. Don’t the nation’s elected officials read the polls? Do they really believe that Read more…

Nightmare superbug killing half of those who are infected says CDC

March 7, 2013 Comments off

A nightmare gut bacteria that can kill up to 50 percent of those infected, the extremely drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)–producing K. pneumoniae sequence type 258 (KpnST258) has emerged as an important pathogen worldwide. Hospitals are scrambling to get rid of this bacteria. Check out the video, “Hospitals scramble to kill ‘superbug’”on

A deadly class of superbugs nearly impossible to treat with a fatality rate approaching 50 percent need to be stopped. But how do scientists stop the CRE outbreaks from reaching the general public? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has identified deadly ‘nightmare’ bacteria that’s resistant to antibiotics and spreading through the nation’s hospitals. There’s the potential for CRE bacteria to spread to patients with common ailments such as diarrhea or more severe infections such as pneumonia. The doctors don’t have any drug to treat CRE outbreaks because the bacteria is resistant to Read more…

Why Is Obama’s Growing DHS Army Buying Armored Vehicles?

March 7, 2013 Comments off

Security: In addition to stockpiling over a billion bullets and thousands of semiautomatic weapons the feds would deny U.S. citizens, the vehicle of choice for fighting the counterinsurgency war in Iraq is appearing on U.S. streets.

The sequestration question du jour is why the Department of Homeland Security, busy releasing hundreds, if not thousands, of deportable and detained illegal aliens due to budget constraints, is buying several thousand Mine Resistant Armored Protection (MRAP) vehicles?

And just who are they intended to be used against?

This acquisition comes on top of the recent news of the stockpiling by DHS of more than 1.6 billion (with a ‘b’) bullets of various calibers, enough by one calculation to fight the equivalent of a 24-year Iraq War, and the ordering of some 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians.

Additionally, DHS is asking for 30 round Read more…