
Posts Tagged ‘Rothschild’

Secretive Plan For a Global Currency

March 22, 2011 Comments off


Excerpt from “The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century”
by Ellen Brown ~ Global Research
The following is an excerpt of a chapter by Ellen Brown from the new book by Global Research Publishers, “The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century.” 

Michel Chossudovsky
Andrew Gavin Marshall (editors)



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By acting together to fulfill these pledges we will bring the world economy out of recession and prevent a crisis like this from recurring in the future. We are committed to take all necessary actions to restore the normal flow of credit through the financial system and ensure the soundness of systemically important institutions, implementing our policies in line with the agreed G20 framework for restoring lending and repairing the financial sector. We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn into the world economy and increase global liquidity.– G20 Communiqué, London, April 2, 2009

Towards a New Global Currency?

Is the Group of Twenty Countries (G20) envisaging the creation of a Global Central bank? Who or what would serve as this global central bank, cloaked with the power to issue the global currency and police monetary policy for all humanity? When the world’s central bankers met in Washington in September 2008 at the height of the financial meltdown, they discussed what body might be in a position to serve in that awesome and fearful role. A former governor of the Bank of England stated:

The answer might already be staring us in the face, in the form of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)… The Read more…

A breakdown of the Rothchilds

March 4, 2011 1 comment

Vatic Note: This is a  MUST read.  It is from the perspective of someone living right there in Rothschilds backyard and knows it all.  This is the most extensive and revealing expose and even includes Soros, and others that Rothschild uses to claim his dominance over the globe and by golly its working.  Just read about Bosnia and eastern Europe where Rothschild has already taken over industry, land, and now made slaves of the people and their children for both labor and sex trade.  The man has no limits to his inhumanity.  The whole family is like that, but then they are Khazars and have a thousand year history of being kicked out of everywhere starting with Mongolia for doing exactly what they are doing now…. their inhumanity has been rejected everywhere.  THIS IS WHY THE WORLD MUST GO TO WAR AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING KHAZAR ROTHSCHILD REGIME.  THEY HAVE DECLARED WAR ON US.  Fine, its time we started fighting back.  They want a world war, well, this is the only one we should be fighting. MEMORIZE THESE FACES AND NEVER FORGET THEM. Read more…

After the ecstasy of revolution, the Bankers quietly begin carving up Egypt and North Africa

February 26, 2011 Comments off

By Richard Eastman
21st Century Wire
Feb 25, 2011

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is ready to lend one billion EUROS a year to Egypt for reconstruction and “free-market reform”- even as Egypt’s Minister of Finance Samir Radwan has gone begging to the City of London bankers and the British Ministry of Trade and Investment  for relief on debt payments that are about to throw Egypt into bankruptcy.

All this, as Egypt has been such a good boy with regards to privatization and austerity, measures which awarded Egypt its celebrated 7 percent growth rate- mostly in investments that will end up in international hands as ventures fail to pay out with ever diminishing Egyptian domestic purchasing power.


First EBRD will lend at interest and build what they want backed by Egyptian collateral and the value of the projects themselves.  Then when it turns out they can’t make the debt payments because of all the interest we have sucked from them, we take over all of the assets we have developed.  That’s freedom and EBRD is really going to give it to them.  After all EBRD is  experienced at this.  In 1991 the EBRD was organized to financially lead  Russia and Eastern Europe in their transition from paternalistic socialism to sustainable  free-market economies open to international Read more…

The Illuminati’s Secret 20 Trillion Dollar Bank

February 11, 2011 Comments off

by Zen Gardner

Of all the scams, the worldwide banking system is one of the most mind-boggling. Never mind the entire false premise of fiat money and the debt system, that vast amounts of this illusory “currency” get shifted every micro-second just begs deceit and piracy.

Trouble is, if you “buy into it” you’re already ensnared, and it’s either eat, or be eaten. That’s their design.

Ownership by Whom?

The estimated value of the Rothschild family’s total holdings is at 500 Trillion dollars. So what. The entire planet is supposedly “owned” by a very small percentage of people. So?

Can anyone “own” anything? Ownership is a temporary power trip for the unenlightened–everything always gets passed on. Like the temporary unit we all live in called our body, it’s an illusion that anyone can “live forever” physically never mind truly “possess” anything if we look at things truthfully.


That would be fine if it was just a matter of perception. Trouble is, these ultra-possessive creeps called the Read more…

A New World Order Reserve Currency

February 3, 2011 2 comments

What do the riots in Egypt and a new world reserve currency have in common?

Perhaps more than we think.

Consider the following statements from George Soros in a recent interview:

Some statements of Soros (who happens to be a Fabian Socialist):

The efficient market hypothesis has failed.

Markets are not tending toward equilibrium.

There is imperfect knowledge of regulators and market participants.

He has an economic theory that is “more relevant” than the dominant one and is supporting an institute for new economic thinking….

Inflation (in the United States) is helpful because the burden of debt was getting too heavy.

The problem is you don’t have a Read more…