
Archive for March 17, 2011

Chinese Troops Seen in Mexico

March 17, 2011 15 comments

Rumors have begun to circulate around the internet this week regarding various sources having seen Chinese Troops and military bases set up just north and south of the US border.  The simple logic of such a situation defies the sane mind.  “If this were true, the United States Government would have to be either directly involved, or completely failed in terms of intelligence.  Either of which could actually be a possibility in this day and age.  The real concern surrounding this issue is how such a story could be perceived by the National Security and Affairs Department.

The internet has been a great evolution in the enlightenment of the world’s population for the sharing and opening of previously esoteric information.

Some of the websites actually tell of Read more…

‘The West is to be forgotten. We will not give them our oil’ – Gaddafi

March 17, 2011 Comments off

This is just the first step in a long line for the US on not receiving any oil that is pumped from any country in the Middle East resulting in third world status.  Lindsey Williams mentioned it on the Alex Jones Show almost a month ago.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi dismissed his Western partners in an exclusive interview to RT, saying he will give all the country’s oil contracts to Russia, China and India.

“We do not believe the West any longer, that is why we invite Russian, Chinese and Indian companies to invest in Libya’s oil and construction spheres” Gaddafi told RT in an exclusive interview about how he sees the current situation in Libya and the international reaction to events there.

He condemned the Western powers, saying Germany was the only country with a chance of doing business with Libyan oil in the future. “We do not trust their firms – they took part in the conspiracy against us.”

The Libyan leader also added that as far as he is concerned, the Arab League has ceased to exist since it stood up against his country.

According to Gaddafi, the recent upheavals in his country were a “minor event” planned by Al Qaeda that will soon end.

Meanwile, Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim promised that Libya will honor Read more…

Scientists Project Path of Radiation Plume

March 17, 2011 Comments off

A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.


March 18 2:00 AM

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization shows how weather patterns this week might disperse radiation from a continuous source in Fukushima, Japan. The forecast does not show actual levels of radiation, but it does allow the organization to estimate when different monitoring stations, marked with small dots, might be able to detect extremely low levels of radiation. Read more…

Governments, Corporations Push Cover-up of Japanese Nuclear Nightmare

March 17, 2011 Comments off

Kurt Nimmo
March 16, 2011

A data map of radiation levels in Japan posted on the TargetMap website has omitted information from the Fukushima Prefecture where nuclear reactors are currently melting down.

The map reports a “survey” of the area is currently “underway,” in other words the Japanese government is not reporting the obvious fact the area is contaminated with deadly radiation and it does not want the Japanese people or anybody else to know the full story.

A coordinated coverup of the severity of the situation is underway. This sort of behavior is typical of governments, especially when they are interested in protecting their power base and protecting the interests of transnational corporations.

Normally stoic Japanese citizens are outraged over the lack of information forthcoming from the Read more…

The Causes of Rising Food Prices

March 17, 2011 Comments off

Food prices are rising quickly around the world. Part of the problem is weather. The winter wheat crop in China has been poor. Australia has suffered floods, while Russia has undergone a drought. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan, no doubt, will hammer the very intensive agricultural production of the limited arable land on that archipelago. Weather-related agricultural problems, however, balance out fairly quickly. Mythical “global warming” aside, weather has ups and downs, and farmers, who are smart folks, take that into account. The Soviet Union, whose vassal state the Ukraine was once one of the best farmlands on earth, never managed to feed its people well, because a communist-controlled economy destroys Read more…

H.R. 910: Seizing the Moral High Ground (How to Foil Opponents’ Rhetorical Tricks)

March 17, 2011 Comments off

Post image for H.R. 910: Seizing the Moral High Ground (How to Foil Opponents’ Rhetorical Tricks)

Yesterday, the House and Commerce Committee approved H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act, as amended, by 34-19. The bill would stop EPA from ’legislating’ climate policy through the Clean Air Act. All 31 Republicans and three Democrats (Mike Ross of Arkansas, Jim Matheson of Utah, and John Barrow of Georgia) voted for the bill.

Opponents introduced several amendments, all of which were defeated.

Ranking Member Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) offered an amendment stating that Congress accepts EPA’s finding that “climate change is unequivocal.” Rep. Diana DeGett (D-Colo.) offered an amendment stating that Congress accepts as “compelling” the scientific evidence that Read more…

Indian Opposition Leader Urges Change to “No-First-Use” Policy

March 17, 2011 Comments off

A senior member of India’s main political opposition party on Tuesday called for changing the nation’s longstanding policy of “no-first-use” of its nuclear arsenal, the Indian Express reported (see GSN, Nov. 1, 2010).

(Mar. 16) – Indian Bharitaya Janata Party lawmaker Jaswant Singh, shown last year, on Tuesday urged his country to alter its “no-first-use” nuclear weapons policy (Farooq Naeem/Getty Images).

“I am of the view that the policy-framework that the [National Democratic Alliance] devised in 1998 is very greatly in need of revision because the situation that warranted the enunciation of the policy of ‘no-first-use’ or ‘nonuse against non-nuclear weapons [states],’ ‘credible deterrence with minimum force,’ etc. has long been overtaken by Read more…

Currency Meltdown Coming

March 17, 2011 Comments off

By Greg Hunter’s

The situation in Japan is getting worse, not better. There are shortages in food, fuel and warm dry shelter. To make matters exponentially worse, nuclear power plants there continue to burn out of control and emit high levels of radiation. Japan is a stark reminder of how fast a modern technologically advanced society can be brought to its knees by an unforeseen calamity.

On the other side of the Pacific, the devastating pictures from that island nation are taking the attention away from our own, much more predictable, calamity coming from a tsunami of debt. As the U.S. and other world governments continue to print money to keep the banks and system solvent, a ball of debt is growing. It is on course to Read more…

Tsunami of Inflation to Hit U.S. with Japan Crisis

March 17, 2011 Comments off

The earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that hit Japan this past week and the destruction that it caused is nothing compared to the tsunami of inflation that will soon hit the U.S. as a result of this crisis. A tsunami of inflation in the U.S. will mean a complete collapse of our monetary system, which could lead to millions of deaths due to a lack of food and heat. 44 million Americans are now dependent on food stamps, but when the U.S. dollar becomes worthless as a result of hyperinflation, the government will no longer have the power to support these Americans and many of them will simply starve to death.

Japan’s citizens were smart enough to save up $885.9 billion in U.S. treasuries to spend in a situation like it finds itself in today. The U.S. has no such savings and is the world’s largest Read more…